Validation portal
When a task requires human review, you can do that review using the Aluma validation portal.
The home page shows all tasks waiting for review. For context, these details are shown for each task:
- The task's name (if you are using File System Agent this will be the filename of the file it was created from).
- The date and time when the task was created.
- The project used to process the task.
- The number of documents in the task.
Click on a task to open it.
When you have finished working on the task you will be automatically given another task from the same project. If you want to pick a different task, you can return to the home page and do that.
Working on a task
As you work on a task you will be guided through one or more actions that need to be done before the task can be submitted. The current number of actions remaining is shown in the sidebar at the left of the page.
One action is created for each of the following:
- Any field or table cell that is not currently valid (because it is required but empty, or because its value is invalid).
- Any field or table cell that requires confirmation that the value is correct.
- Where there are multiple document types, any document whose type could not be identified.
- Where there are multiple document types, any document whose type was identified but requires confirmation.
Where automation document separation is enabled, if the boundaries between any documents are unclear then an additional action is created for manual review of the separation.

The following color-coding is used:
- Red fields or cells indicate that the current value is invalid and the must be changed to make it valid.
- Orange fields or cells indicate that the current value is valid but should be reviewed. You can confirm the current value is correct by pressing the Enter key, or change the value.
- Green fields or cells indicate that the current value is valid and does not need to be reviewed. It is possible to configure your project to hide valid fields.
Entering values by selecting document text
When you need to enter a new field or cell value, you can either type the value or select it from the document text using the viewer on the right of the screen. Simply double-click on a word or click and drag to select multiple words.
When you have addressed each action (by entering a missing required value for example), press the Enter key to take you to the next action, even if this is on a different document. This is the most efficient way of working through the actions for a task.
You can also press Tab to move to next field on the document, or Shift+Tab to move to the previous field.
When all actions have been completed, you will see this alert appear:
Press Alt+Enter to submit the task and open another from the same project (or wait until another task is available).
Press Ctrl+Alt+Enter if you prefer to submit the task and return to the tasks list on the home page.
Reviewing document separation
When automation document separation is enabled in your project, if the boundaries between any documents are unclear then an additional action is created for manual review of the separation.
This action is always the first action and while working on this action, a different view (the "thumbnails" view) is displayed. The current structure of the documents in the task is shown in the left side of the screen.
You should scroll through the documents and review the boundaries between them.
If you find two documents that should be merged, click on the thumbnail of the first page of the second document then click the "Merge this document with previous document" button.
If you find a document that should be split, click on the thumbnail of the page that should be separated from the prior one then click the "Start new document" button.
Once you are done, press the Enter key to complete separation review and move to the next action.
Updated 11 months ago