Creates a new task from a file sent in the request body.

To create a task you will need the ID of the project you want to use to process the file. You can find this by going to the Projects page in the Aluma app, clicking on the project and checking the URL. The URL will be similar to this: The project's ID is the final part of the URL, in this case ZbfzIZorTFOV60GX58YUuQ. Specify the project ID in the request using the project_id query parameter.

Include the binary contents of the document's file in the request body. The following file formats are accepted:

  • PDF files:PDF
  • Image files TIFF, JPG,PNG
  • Email files: MSG, EML (attachments of any type described in this section are also supported)
  • Text files: RTF, TXT, CSV
  • Archive files: ZIP (the ZIP can contain one or more of the above types. Files are concatenated, keeping the same order as the original archive)

A task name can be specified by setting the X-Aluma-Tags request header to task_name=<name>, e.g. task_name=AB3947853. This name is displayed to the user in the validation portal and can help you link a task back to the source of your input file.

The following tags can also be set in order to pass metadata relating to the file, which can be used in your project's automation:

  • file_name, e.g. 0001.pdf
  • file_path, e.g. C:\inbox
  • file_created_time, e.g. 1711958908 (a unix timestamp)

To set more than one tag, separate them using an & character, e.g. task_name=AB3947853&file_name=0001.pdf&file_path=C:\inbox&file_created_time=1711958908

See Create a task for step-by-step instructions on how to use this request.
