The Extractors API defines the following RFC 7807-compliant response, returned with a 422 Unprocessable Entity status code when the template provided to Create Extractor is incorrect.

  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid Extractor Template",
  "status": 422,
  "instance": "/account/{your account ID}/invalid-extractor-template/{extractor name}",
  "errors": [
      "module_id": "waives.date_of_birth",
      "messages": [
        "The template contains multiple instances of this module"
      "path": "modules[0]",
      "argument_name": "",
      "argument_value": ""
    // ...

In addition to the standard RFC 7807 fields (see Error responses overview), this API defines an errors extension field containing details of each validation failure in the provided extractor template. Errors are grouped by argument rather than module, so there may be multiple items in the collection for each module. Each item in the collection conforms to the following schema:

module_idThe module ID where the element was found. This is not a unique key, the same value may appear multiple times in the collection.
messagesHuman-readable descriptions of the failure(s) encountered.
pathA string pointing to the request property in error. This maybe dereferenced as a JSONPath string if prefixed with $..
argument_nameThe name of the argument in error. This may be null if the argument was not the cause of the validation failure (e.g. if more than one instance of a single module was specified in the template.)
argument_valueThe value supplied to the argument which caused the validation error. This may be null if the argument was not the cause of the validation failure (e.g. if more than one instance of a single module was specified in the template.)